Los Angaras
50°F Fair Feels like 50°- Wind
- 0 mph NE
- Humidity
- 84%
- Sunrise
- Sunset
Clear skies. Low 46F. Winds light and variable.
- Wind
- 2 mph N
- Precip
- 2%
- Sunset
- Moon Phase
- Waxing Gibbous
We’re sorry you are having trouble receiving our signal and here are some suggestions which might help with your reception. The easiest thing to try first is re-scanning your antenna. If that doesn’t work, please see our other helpful hints. Thanks for watching CW7 Arizona and we hope your reception issues are quickly resolved.
Note: Sometimes unplugging your TV for several minutes and then replugging it back into the socket will also trigger a rescan.
If you feel that you meet all criteria for getting a good signal and you are still having a problem please call 928.778.6770 and we will try to help you.